hi welcome to my virtual house

a lot of my material is scattered around on different bandcamp pages and youtube channels, so I thought I'd make it all a little easier to find by organizing and listing it here, in a cozy, old-fashioned blog.

links/social media:

Youtube (i'll be uploading my music on this channel so it's all in one place)

Soundcloud (i won't use it too much anymore since i almost reached my upload limit)

i also make some music as lemonade walk: https://soundcloud.com/lemonadewalk

My discography

I made this page where I list everything i made in order, including my releases as Lemonade Walk

my discog is also listed here on Rate Your Music: https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/mild-sorrow-integrated

thank you for listening to my music

Monday, July 12, 2021

There's a music video for "Pictured"

It came out like 8 months ago

here it is

warning: flashing images
